Law of the Jungle is a South Korean reality-documentary show on SBS. It was first aired on October 21, 2011. This show is a hybrid of reality-variety television, natural documentaries, and human drama; a new concept of programming. The cast of celebrities travel to less-habitated, natural places to survive on their own and experience life with local tribes and people.
Saturday, September 29, 2018
Sunday, September 9, 2018
Download K-Show Galileo [English Sub]
2018 is the year that Mars gets the closest to Earth, and four celebrities participate in Mars exploration training for the first time in Korea! Watch their exciting challenge for survival on the unknown planet!
Saturday, September 1, 2018
Download Produce 48 (END)
Produce 48 is an ongoing survival reality television show on Mnet. It is a large-scale project in which the public “produces” a girl group by voting for members out of a pool of 96 trainees from Japan and South Korea, as well as voting for the group’s concept, debut single, and group name. It is a collaboration between the Mnet series Produce 101 and the J-pop idol group AKB48. The winning 12 contestants, with no nationality caps, as voted only by Korean viewers, will promote as a group for two and a half years.